Things Not To Do In Hawaii: Guide To Avoiding Tourist Traps

Hawaii is a beautiful and culturally rich destination that attracts millions of tourists every year. However, there are certain things that visitors should avoid doing in order to make the most of their trip and not inadvertently offend locals. In this article, we will discuss some of the things not to do in Hawaii. The content is presented by

Hawaii is known for its natural beauty, rich history, and unique culture. However, visitors should be aware that there are certain behaviors that are considered disrespectful or offensive to locals. By avoiding these pitfalls, tourists can have a more enjoyable and culturally sensitive experience.

Don’t Ignore Local Customs

Things Not To Do In Hawaii
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Hawaii has a rich and unique culture that should be respected by visitors. This includes respecting local customs such as removing shoes before entering homes, using “aloha” as a greeting, and observing the kapu system (a set of laws and customs that governed ancient Hawaiian society). Discover the Toni Kroos’ Favorite Travel Place: Exploring the Wonders

Don’t Disrespect Sacred Sites

Hawaii is home to many sacred sites that are important to the local culture and history. Visitors should be respectful of these sites and avoid touching or removing any objects, as well as refrain from taking inappropriate photos or videos.

Don’t Ignore Environmental Rules

Hawaii is home to many fragile ecosystems that are in danger due to the influx of tourists. Visitors should be aware of the environmental rules and regulations, such as not disturbing wildlife, not littering, and staying on designated trails.

Don’t Overdo It With the Sun

Hawaii is known for its sunny weather and beautiful beaches, but visitors should be aware of the dangers of overexposure to the sun. Sunburns and dehydration are common problems, so it’s important to use sunscreen, drink plenty of water, and take breaks in the shade.

Don’t Engage in Excessive Partying

Hawaii is a popular destination for nightlife and partying, but visitors should be aware of the negative impact that excessive partying can have on the local community. Noise complaints and disturbances can be a problem, and visitors should be respectful of their surroundings.

Don’t Be Disrespectful to Locals

Hawaii is a diverse community with a mix of ethnicities and cultures. Visitors should be respectful of locals and avoid making insensitive comments or assumptions. This includes being mindful of cultural differences and avoiding stereotypes or generalizations.

Don’t Ignore Safety Precautions

Hawaii is a beautiful and exciting destination, but visitors should be aware of the potential dangers. This includes respecting warning signs and avoiding risky activities such as swimming in dangerous areas, hiking in unsafe conditions, or ignoring weather warnings.

Don’t Disrespect Wildlife

Hawaii is home to many unique and endangered species of wildlife. Visitors should be respectful of these creatures and avoid disturbing them or their habitats. This includes not feeding or approaching animals, and being mindful of the impact that humans can have on the environment.

Don’t Forget to Tip

Tipping is a common practice in Hawaii and is expected for most services, including restaurants, hair salons, and tour guides. Visitors should be aware of the tipping etiquette and should plan to tip accordingly.

Don’t Be Unprepared for Outdoor Activities

Hawaii offers many opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, surfing, and snorkeling. However, visitors should be prepared for these activities by bringing appropriate gear, checking weather conditions, and being aware of their own physical limitations.

Don’t Ignore Traffic Laws

Hawaii has its own unique traffic laws and regulations that visitors should be aware of. This includes driving on the right side of the road, using seatbelts, and obeying speed limits and traffic signals.

Don’t Ignore Beach Safety

Hawaii’s beaches are beautiful but can be dangerous for those who are not familiar with the ocean’s conditions. Visitors should be aware of beach safety rules such as watching for rip currents, obeying lifeguards, and not swimming alone.

Don’t Be Loud and Obnoxious

Hawaii is a place of peace and tranquility, and visitors should respect that by being mindful of their noise level. Loud and obnoxious behavior can disturb the peace and tranquility of the locals and other visitors.

Don’t Take Volcanic Rocks or Sand

Visitors should not take volcanic rocks or sand as souvenirs. This is considered disrespectful and can also lead to legal consequences. It’s important to leave nature as it is and not disturb the natural environment.

Don’t Ignore Dress Codes

Some places in Hawaii have specific dress codes, such as places of worship and formal events. Visitors should be aware of these dress codes and dress appropriately out of respect for local customs and traditions.


Hawaii is a beautiful and culturally rich destination that offers many opportunities for visitors. However, visitors should be aware of certain behaviors that can be considered disrespectful or offensive to locals. By following these guidelines, visitors can have a more enjoyable and culturally sensitive experience.
